Index Query
The indices provided by the Dcx server are free for non-commercial, non-profit use according to the Rules of the road given below.
The server includes Dcx and Dxt indices at three levels of sophistication:
Definite indices
Definite indices have been calculated from the definite values of the hourly horizontal magnetic field measured at selected stations (presently up to 17 stations). Definite indices are available in three types (17-station, 4-station and individual), each at hourly, daily and yearly resolution. Definite indices lag typically by a few years. Because definite data are produced at different times in the many stations, the definite indices extend to different times. Currently, the definite indices extend at most to the end of 2016. The 17-station indices start in 2000.
Provisional indices
Provisional indices have been calculated from the provisional or real-time values of the hourly horizontal magnetic field measured at the contributing stations (presently up to 15 stations). Provisional indices continue the time interval of definite indices without gap or overlap. Provisional indices are available in three types (14-station, 4-station and individual), each at hourly and daily resolution. Provisional indices are updated continuously and extend typically until about three months before present.
Real-time indices
Real-time indices use the real-time data from the same stations as the provisional indices (presently up to 15 stations). Real-time indices continue the time interval of provisional indices without gap or overlap until present time, or as long as the station has data. Real-time indices may have errors and may change in time due to updates of the measured field values. Real-time indices are available in three types (14-station, 4-station and individual), each at hourly and daily resolution.
This server has been developed at the University of Oulu, Finland,
within the EU FP7 Collaboration/Space project "Soteria" Work Package
4 by Arto Karinen, Tore Leikanger, Lauri Holappa and Kalevi Mursula
in 2008-2011. The server is currently maintained by Timo Qvick.
Please send any comments, corrections, and questions about the Dcx server to .
Rules of the Road
The magnetic indices provided through the Dcx server are made freely available for scientific and educational use only, not for commercial or other profit use. Publications using the provided indices should include a statement acknowledging the source, e.g., as follows:
the Dcx server of the University of Oulu, Finland, at
For further information on Dxt and Dcx indices, see the related papers:
A. Karinen, and K. Mursula,
A new reconstruction of the Dst index for 1932-2002,
Ann. Geophys., 23, 475-485, 2005.
K. Mursula and A. Karinen,
Explaining and correcting the excessive semiannual variation in the Dst index,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L14107, 4 pages,, 2005.
A. Karinen, and K. Mursula,
Correcting the Dst index: Consequences for absolute level and correlations,
J. Geophys. Res., 111, A08207, 8 pages,, 2006.
K. Mursula, L. Holappa and A. Karinen, Correct normalization of the Dst index,
Astrophys. Space Sci. Trans. (ASTRA), 4, 41-45, 2008.
K. Mursula, L. Holappa and A. Karinen,
Uneven weighting of stations in the Dst index,
J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 73, pp. 316-322,, 2011.
A. Karinen, K. Mursula, J. Takalo, and Th. Ulich, An erroneous Dst index in 1971,
Proc. of the SOLSPA 2001 Conference, ESA-SP-477, 443-446, 2002.