Dcx index server

(Corrected Dst)

List of stations for Definite Dcx and Dxt indices

IAGA  Name              GGLat     GGLon     GMLat   Elev    Dcx   Dcx17
AAA Alma Ata 43.180 76.920 34.429 1300 x
BSL Stennis 30.350 270.360 39.821 8 x
CNB Canberra -35.315 149.363 -42.466 859 x
CTO Cape Town -33.950 18.467 -32.540 26 x
GNA Gnangara -31.780 115.947 -41.651 60 x
GNG Gingin -31.356 115.715 -41.233 50 x
HBK Hartebeesthoek -25.882 27.707 -27.181 1555 x
HER Hermanus -34.425 19.225 -34.081 26 x x
HON Honolulu 21.320 202.000 21.713 4 x x
IZN Iznik 40.500 29.720 37.757 256 x
KAK Kakioka 36.232 140.186 27.647 36 x x
LZH Lanzhou 36.087 103.845 26.123 1560 x
MBO Mbour 14.380 343.030 19.897 7 x
PPT Pamatai -17.567 210.426 -15.133 357 x
SJG San Juan 18.117 293.850 28.042 424 x x
TAM Tamanrasset 22.793 5.532 24.547 1373 x
TRW Trelew -43.267 294.617 -33.343 15 x
TUC Tucson 32.170 249.270 39.733 946 x
VSS Vassouras -22.400 316.350 -13.563 457 x

Notes: HER index uses CTO data in 1932-1940. GNA was replaced by GNG in 2013. BSL index uses data from the nearby station Del Rio (DLR) in 2005-2006. IZN index uses data from L'Aquila (AQU) in 1960-2006.

List of stations for Provisional and Real-time Dcx and Dxt indices

IAGA  Name              GGLat     GGLon     GMLat   Elev    Dcx   Dcx14
AAA Alma Ata 43.180 76.920 34.429 1300 x
BSL Stennis 30.350 270.360 39.821 8 x
CNB Canberra -35.315 149.363 -42.466 859 x
GNG Gingin -31.356 115.715 -41.233 50 x
HBK Hartebeesthoek -25.882 27.707 -27.181 1555 x
HER Hermanus -34.425 19.225 -34.081 26 x x
HON Honolulu 21.320 202.000 21.713 4 x x
IZN Iznik 40.500 29.720 37.757 256 x
KAK Kakioka 36.232 140.186 27.647 36 x x
LZH Lanzhou 36.087 103.845 26.123 1560 x
MBO Mbour 14.380 343.030 19.897 7 x
PPT Pamatai -17.567 210.426 -15.133 357 x
SJG San Juan 18.117 293.850 28.042 424 x x
TAM Tamanrasset 22.793 5.532 24.547 1373 x
TUC Tucson 32.170 249.270 39.733 946 x